Spouse indicator
In Vedic astrology, Venus and 7th Lord is the Indicator of Spouse and Marriage. So the placement of Venus in Horoscope and placement of 7th Lord in birth chart will indicate what type of Spouse we will get, what will be the Look or Physical Apperance, how we will meet our spouse etc.
So analyzing these factors we can know about the Spouse and also if we have intercaste or marriage or if we are destined to marry any Foreigner. Rahu indicates Foreign elements or Foreigner in astrology. So both these planets will play an important role in determining the Possibilities of marriage with a Foreigner.
Now Marriage with a Foreigner means it will be an intercaste Marriage or inter religion Marriage. So Here we will discuss about the Yogas and combinations which indicates Foreign Spouse and also we will discuss about Intercaste and Inter religion Marriage.
Important House or Planet indicating Foreign Spouse
Rahu indicates Foreign country or Foreigner. It is the planet which indicates everything outside our Social custom or tradition. Rahu is the main significator for foreign Land. So Rahu plays an important Role in anything which goes against social norms like inter caste marriage in astrology or inter religion marriage in astrology. So in case of foreign spouse Rahu is the main planet.
After Rahu we have to see Venus and Jupiter. Venus is the main Karaka for Marriage and for female Jupiter represents husband. So if these two planets are connected with Rahu it indicates foreign spouse in astrology.
12th house indicates Foreign Land or Foreign Journey. So we have to see the 12th Lord and 12th house in the Horoscope.
7th house is the main house for Marriage and Marriage partner. It is the house of physical union and all sort of relationship. So when are going to judge marriage to a foreigner, 7th is the supreme importance. So we have to check the 7th house and 7th Lord of D1 and Navamsa chart for every detail of Marriage partner.
Astrological combinations indicating Foreign Spouse
- Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in the 7th house of D1 chart and D9 chart or with 7th Lord is a strong indicator of Foreign Spouse. Placement of Rahu/Ketu in 7th house of Navamsa is a stronger indication than D1 chart. Both Saturn, Rahu and Ketu indicates Marriage with a person from Different caste and cultural background.
- What is Navamsa chart and how to read Navamsa
- Rahu and Venus conjunction in the Horoscope is also a good combination for intercaste marriage or Foreign Spouse.
- Result of Rahu-Venus conjunction
- when 7th lord is posited in 12th house and if Rahu is also associated with this combination, it is a strong yoga for getting a foreign spouse in kundli.
- 5th House represents Love and Romance. Connection Like conjunction or Mutual aspect or Sign exchange between 5th house or Lord with 12th house or lord indicates affair with a foreigner.
- Rahu-Jupiter combination or Rahu Venus combination in main birth chart or Rashi chart and Navamsa chart as well indicates a high chance of getting foreign spouse. If this combination is in both Rashi chart and navamsa chart, the indications are very strong.
- Watery Signs Like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Signs are important for Foreign spouse. So If Venus for Male natives and Jupiter for female natives is placed in 12th house or with 12th lord in a watery sign can grant a foreign spouse to the individual.
- In the Navamsa if the 7th Lord is in 12th house or 12th Lord is in 7th house, it indicates good yoga for Marriage with a Foreigner.
- Rahu or Saturn conjunction with Darakaraka Planet in the Navamsa chart is another strong indicator for Foreign Spouse.
- What is Darakaraka Planet and how to study it.
- The Nakshatra of 7th Lord also to be checked. If The Nakshatra of 7th Lord is Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, it can give you Inter caste Marriage or a Foreign Spouse.
- As per Nadi Astrology, Mars is the indicator of Husband in a Female chart. So if Mars is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu or in trine with Rahu and ketu, this indicates Possibility of Foreign Spouse.
Favorable time to find Foreign Spouse
If you are Going through a Mahadasha of Rahu, this is a Favorable time when Relationship with a Foreigner is Possible. Saturn Mahadasha is also favorable time for marriage with a Foreigner.
Now Lets discuss a Horoscope to understand this better.
This is a chart of a Girl who has married a Foreigner. The D1 chart and D9 chart is given below.
The 7th house of D1 chart is occupied by Rahu with 7th Lord Moon. So this indicates Foreign Spouse. The Darakaraka Venus is also in the star of Rahu. In the Navamsa the 7th Lord Jupiter and 12th Lord Sun are in a Mutual aspect. These yogas are strong indicator of Foreign Spouse.
So if we carefully Check the planets and 7th house of both D1 and D9 chart, we will get the indication of our Spouse. Our horoscope indicates the type of spouse we will get.