Navamsa chart Analysis
Navamsa Means Navam Amsa or Nine Division. Therefore Navamsa means 9th division of a sign or house. It literally indicates the Nine aspects in our life. It is a divisional chart and has been given immense importance in Vedic Astrology.
Navamsa chart analysis is very important for making exact and accurate predictions. It also allows an experienced astrologer to understand and suggest remedial measures for the people under distress.
It is widely used for prediction of Marriage, Fortune, Financial Prosperity, Life Purpose, Spiritual Progress etc.
Navamsa chart Calculation
Now Lets discuss how we can prepare Navamsa chart Manually. But Now a days there are a lot of good Software and online tools available for doing the Calculation.
Step 1
Each sign is 30 degrees. So the entire Zodiac of 12 signs will be 360 degrees. When the span of a sign, 30 degrees is divided by 9, we get 3 degrees 20 minute. This 3 degree 20 minute is the span of each Navamsa. According to this calculation, there are 108 Navamsas for the 12 signs. Each and every Rashi has 9 nakshatra pada and each of them will become a part of the division.
Step 2
The Navamsa of any movable sign starts from that sign itself. The Navamsa for fixed signs will start from the 9th sign from the fixed sign under consideration. For dual signs Navamsa will start from the 5th sign from the dual sign. As per the above calculation, we will also have to place the ascendant in the respective Navamsa.
Step 3
The signs are broadly classified as-Fiery, Earthy, Airy and watery. The Navamsa for fiery signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius will start from Aries sign itself. Similarly for Earthy signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn start from Capricorn sign. Navamsa for Airy signs- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius will start from the sign of Libra and the last but not the list, the Watery signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces start only from the sign for Cancer.

Use and Significance of Navamsa chart reading
Navamsa is perhaps the most important divisional chart. After checking the Rashi chart or D1 chart, most of the Astrologers study the D9 chart.
Only after reading the D9 chart we can understand true potential of a Chart. Sometimes the planetary positions in our main birth chart or D1 chart are deceptive. They Look very Good aparently but the planets fail to deliver expected results. In such situations Navamsa chart becomes very useful.
Checking Planetary Strength from D9 chart
Navamsa is used to understand the strength of a planet. If a planet is exalted in Rashi chart, but debilitated in Navamsa, it will fail to give the desired result. The condition of a planet in the D9 chart will give a hint about the kind of result it can deliver in its period.
The planets Should not be debilitated or Afflicted by enemy planets in Navamsa.
Vargottama and Bhavattama
Any planet which is in Same Sign in both D1 and D9 chart is known as Vargottama Planet. Any planet which is in Same Bhava in both Rashi chart and Navamsa is called Bhavattama Planet. The Vargottama and Bhavattama Planets can make a chart strong and can give Favorable results.
Marriage Prediction from Navamsa
Navamsa is widely used to understand your married life. It is the main divisional chart for checking marriage prospects. Navamsa will indicate whether your marriage will be happy or not. It will also give a lot of information about your life partner like their physical appearance, Spouse profession etc.
Career Prediction from Navamsa
Navamsa charts should also be used to judge career and professional success. The placement, association and conjunction of planets in the Navamsa chart can determine your profession. The Placement of 10th Lord of D1 chart in Navamsa will influence your Success in Career. The 10th house of Navamsa and also Placement of Atmakaraka planet in Navamsa is important to understand Career growth.
Checking Spiritual Inclination from D9 chart
As Navamsa is the 9th division of Main birth chart, it becomes very important chart for checking Spiritual and Religious progress. 9th house is the house of Dharma and that is why D9 chart is sometimes called Dharmamsa.
The 1st, 5th and 9th house along with Jupiter, Ketu and Atmakaraka planet should be analyzed to understand Spiritual Progress.
Understand Fortune and prosperity
This Divisional chart is important to understand our Fortune and Financial Prosperity. As 9th house indicates our Luck and fortune, 9th Division gives true picture of our Luck. Only Navamsa chart can tell how much Lucky we are actually and what kind of hurdle or difficulties we have to face in our Life.
Our karma and destiny from Navamsa
Karma are of 3 types- Dridha, Dridha-Adridha and Adridha Karma. The fixed Signs in Navamsa chart indicates Dridha Karma, the moveable Signs in Navamsa indicates Adridha Karma and Dual Signs in Navamsa indicates Dridha-Adridha Karma. Our Destiny signified by dridha Karma cannot be changed. The karmas signified by dual Signs of Navamsa can be changed with effort and remedial measure. The karmas Signified by movable Signs may or may not happen and changes as per our own work in this Life.
How to Judge Marriage from Navamsa Chart
At first we need to know about the 7thhouse of the D9 chart. We all know that the 7th house is the most important house for marriage and relationships. As Navamsa is the divisional chart for marriage, the importance of 7th house in D9 chart is even more.
We need to check the planets placed in the 7th house of Navamsa. If there is any malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn or Mars, it is not considered good for a happy marriage. But planets like Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mercury in 7th house will bless you with a happy married life.
we need to check the condition of the 7th Lord of Navamsa. For a happy and peaceful marriage, the 7thLord of Navamsa should not be afflicted or debilitated or weak. If it is weak or afflicted, it will give problems in married life whereas a strong 7th Lord will protect your marriage and relationship.
The 4th house of Navamsa is also important as the 4th house indicates overall happiness and Navamsa is all about marriage and relationship. So the 4th house of Navamsa signifies happiness in marriage. Malefic planets like Rahu, Mars, and Saturn etc are not good in the 4th house of Navamsa
We should also judge the condition of the 7th Lord of Rashi or D1 chart in the D9 chart. The 7thLord of D1 chart should not be debilitated in Navamsa or afflicted by malefic in Navamsa. If it is in debilitation or affliction, it can create problems in married life. But a well placed 7th Lord in Navamsa will give you a stable marriage.
The condition of Navamsa Lagna Lord should also be considered in this regard. The Navamsa Lagna Lord should not be debilitated or afflicted by any malefic or malefics. The Ascendant Lord in 7th house is good for compatibility and Happiness.
Read: Result of Ascendant Lord in 7th house
The main significator for marriage and relationship is Venus. So the placement of Venus in Navamsa or D9 chart is equally important. It should not be debilitated in Navamsa. If Venus is afflicted by Ketu, Saturn or Rahu in Navamsa, it is not considered good for relationships. On the other hand, Venus in Virgo, Scorpio or Gemini Navamsa sign is also not very auspicious.
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We need to apply these principles along with the analysis of the D1 chart. If your D1 chart indicates marital problems and your Navamsa chart also indicates troubles, the relationship will Surely suffer and It can even break.
If the Navamsa Ascendant and 7th houses of Navamsa are not afflicted, You can overcome problems in the Rashi chart in most cases.
If your D1 chart indicates a happy marriage and your Navamsa indicates unhappiness, you may face some problems though it will be sorted out.
If your D1 chart indicates unhappy marriage but your Navamsa has an indication of happy marriage in that situation you will not face any major problems in your marriage or married life.
Thus analysis of Navamsa will give us a clear picture about our Marriage and Married Life.
Navamsa chart analysis for Marriage
Navamsa plays a very vital role in our marriage Prediction. Planets in the 7th house of Navamsa, 7th sign of Navamsa and the 7th Lord of Navamsa or D9 chart will be the main factors to indict the nature, character, look and profession of our life partner. So if we minutely analyse the 7th house and 7th Lord of D9 chart, we will get a lot of information about our prospective life partner and also about our marriage.
If We want to know the status of the family of our prospective spouse, We should judge the strength of the Lord of 7th house. A strong Lord of the 7th house determines that our spouse will be from a rich family while a weak 7th house Lord indicates the poor financial condition of our spouse.
Now I will be discussing the influence of every planet in Navamsa. Let’s see how the planet will work for your spouse.
Sun: If the Sun occupies the 7th house in Navamsa, your spouse will be of wheatish complexion. He or She will have a good personality. He/she will be of average height and will have a deep voice.
Moon: When the Moon rules over the 7th house and is strong, your spouse will be good looking. He or she will have fair complexion with a silky smooth and spotless skin. He or she will be of childish behavior by nature. He or She will have large eyes. Your spouse will be innocent and will have attractive personality.
Mars: If Mars occupies 7th house of Navamsa, your spouse will be egoistic in nature. Lack of compromising ability will be seen within your spouse. He or she will have a well-developed body. Though he or she may have short temper, your spouse will be very smart and talkative.
Mercury: With strong Mercury in Navamsa 7th house, you will get a good looking spouse. Your spouse will be well educated and will be witty. But if Mercury is Afflicted by malefic planets, your spouse may not have these good qualities. This is an adverse position in respect of mental disposition of your spouse.
Jupiter: When Jupiter roles over your 7th house in Navamsa, it can give you a beautiful spouse. Your spouse will be intelligent and of fair complexion. He or she will have an attractive personality.
Venus: As Venus is the planet of beauty, If Venus occupies the 7th house, your spouse will be generally fair and beautiful. He or she will be very attractive and will have a decent manner. Your spouse will have interest in music, fine Arts etc. He or she will love comfort and luxury. An exalted Venus can bless you with an exceptionally beautiful spouse of charming personality.
Saturn: A Strong Saturn in the 7th house may give you a spouse with a good mentality. He or she may be unimpressive and may not be very beautiful. He or She can look quite older than his or her age. She or he may be irritating and quarrelsome. But an exalted Saturn can reduce these negative elements.
Rahu: When Rahu occupies the 7th house of your D9 chart, it can make your partner very broad minded. He or she will refuse to accept any kind of orthodox thought. He or she will have interest in photography, movies etc. Rahu in the 7th house of Navamsa will give you a very materialistic life partner.
Ketu: When the 7th house of D9 chart is occupied by Ketu, It can give your partner a spiritual bent of mind. He or she will have interest in religious practices. He or she will also will be involved in spiritual or occult maters. Your spouse will be an expert in computer and mathematics. He/she will have a research oriented mindset and will try to dig deep into everything.
So when you analyze the Navamsa chart along with the D1 chart, you will be able to make correct predictions about your marriage and spouse.
D9 chart Analysis for Planetary Strength
Navamsa chart is very important to understand the planetary Strength of a Horoscope. If a planet is in own Sign or in exaltation Sign or in Friendly Sign in Navamsa, it becomes Strong.
If a Debilitated Planet in Rashi chart becomes exalted in Navamsa, its debilitation is canceled and it is considered Strong. Such planet gives favorable results.
In the Same way if a planet is exalted in D1 chart or Rasi chart but become debilitated in Navamsa, it fails to give good result and it is considered as weak.
If a planet is in enemy Sign in D9 chart it will not give expected results.
The Ascendant Lord or Navamsa Lagna Lord , the 5th Lord of Navamsa and 9th Lord of Navamsa should be well placed in D1 chart or Rashi chart for good fortune.
Another important parameter to identify Strong planet if the planet is Vargottama.
What is Vargottama planet
When a planet is in the same sign both in the Rashi chart and Navamsa chart, it is called Vargottama. In this case, the natal and Navamsa dispositor will be the same. Such a planet is extremely powerful and give good results.
Whenever a planet becomes Vargottama, the qualities of that planet will become the part of your character.
In our Vedic Astrology there are several types of Vargottama. Some of them gives very favorable results and some of them do not give favorable result.
If Mars is in Aries in both Rashi and Navamsa chart, it is said to be the own-house Vargottama. This own house Vargottama is very good and makes the planet very strong.
Saturn in Aries in both the Rasi chart and Navamsa charts is Said to be debilitated Vargottama. But this kind of Vargottama where the planet is debilitated in both Rashi and Navamsa is not good.
The Sun in the same situation will be said exalted Vargottama. Exalted Vargottama, where the planet is exalted in both Rashi and Navamsa chart, is very good.
If Our Lagna or ascendant becomes Vargottama, it is highly beneficial. The Lagna will become extremely powerful and its Lord will give you a great height.
Benefic Vargottama ascendant are-
Taurus ascendant-Taurus Navamsa
Gemini ascendant-Gemini Navamsa
Cancer ascendant-Cancer Navamsa
Virgo ascendant-Virgo Navamsa
Libra ascendant-Libra Navamsa
Sagittarius ascendant- Sagittarius Navamsa
Pisces ascendant-Pisces Navamsa
Malefic Vargottama ascendant are-
Aries ascendant-Aries Navamsa
Leo ascendant-Aries Navamsa
Scorpio ascendant-Scorpio Navamsa
Capricorn ascendant-Capricorn Navamsa
Aquarius ascendant-Aquarius Navamsa
Sometimes the planets in their own house in Rashi chart or D1 chart move to the other house owned by them in Navamsa. This position is called Swa-Navamsa. These planets are equally strong and powerful. Such planets gives beneficial results.
For example if Mars is in Aries in Rashi chart but is posited in Scorpio in Navamsa, it is said to be in Swa-Navamsa. Accordingly Venus in Libra in Rashi chart and in Taurus Navamsa, is also considered Swa-Navamsa.
Planets are also considered strong if they occupy Pushkar Navamsa
What is Pushkar Navamsa
Puskara Navamsa are auspicious Navamsa which are ruled only by benefic planets. The planets in Pushkar Navamsa behave in an auspicious manner.
Placement of more planets in Pushkar Navamsa indicates a strong chart and Success in Life. If there is 3 or more planets in Pushkar Navamsa it shows that the Horoscope is very strong.

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Navamsa chart reading for career
Navamsa or D9 chart is generally used to make marriage predictions. But we should also use the divisional chart for career as well. Navamsa chart is the extension of 9th house. The 9th house is the house of our fortune or fate. We need the help of fortune or luck at every turn in your life. So Navamsa plays an important role in career, finance, prosperity and all sorts of major things in our life.
We know that the 10th house of D1 chart is all about our career and profession. So the 10th Lord and planets in the 10th house will give you a lot of indication about your job, business, profession, success etc.
Now let me tell you some important factors to check in the Navamsa chart to make a clear career analysis.
Check the strength of the ascendant Lord, 10th Lord, and 6th Lord in the Navamsa chart. The 10th Lord or ascendant Lord or 6th Lord of D1 chart should not be debilitated or afflicted or in enemy sign in D9 chart. If the 10th Lord of D1 chart is debilitated or weak in Navamsa chart, it will bring problems in career.
Check the strength of the planets posited in the 10th house of D1 chart in Navamsa. For example, the Sun is placed in the 10th house of D1 chart. It should not be debilitated or afflicted in the Navamsa chart.
If the position of any planet improves in the Navamsa chart over its position in the natal chart, it gives a beneficial result. Suppose, a planet is debilitated in natal chart, but is exalted or in its own sign in Navamsa, it will give beneficial results.
The Navamsa Lord of 10th Lord of D1 chart may indicate your profession. For example, if Sun is your 10th Lord and is in Aries Navamsa, the ruler of Aries Mars can indicate your profession.
Planets in the Navamsa Lagna or in trying of Navamsa Lagna indicated our inborn talent. So if we choose a profession as per our talent, the possibility of success will definitely increase.
Planets in the 10th house of Navamsa will have a directed influence on our profession. The 10th house of D9 chart is known as the Lakshmi Sthana. So planets in the 10th house of the D9 chart will have a direct bearing in our earnings.
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How to read Navamsa chart for marriage timing
In case of marriage time prediction, we should not neglect the Navamsa or D9 chart. The Lagna Lord of Navamsa, 7th Lord of Navamsa, planets sitting in the 7th house of Navamsa plays an important role in predicting marriage.
But, before predicting the age for marriage, we have to understand whether early marriage or late marriage is indicated in your Navamsa or D9 chart. If planets like Saturn, Ketu etc occupies the 7th house of Navamsa it will create delay in your marriage.
If these malefic planets also aspect or conjunct with the 7th Lord of Navamsa, it will also give late marriage. So, after understanding whether you have late or early marriage, we have to check the appropriate Dasha and transit. If you are running through a favorable period and transit, marriage can happen.
There are some combinations to determine the possibility of marriage. There as follows –
- Marriage is promised in the Dasha of planets posited in the 7thhouse of D9 chart.
- Marriage can happen in the period of Navamsa Lagna Lord.
- Planets conjunct or aspected by the 7thLord of Navamsa can also make chances of marriage in their Dasha.
- The Chara Dasha of the D9 7thhouse can also give you marriage.
- The transit of Jupiter in the 7thsign of Navamsa can also make the marriage possible.
- In the Navamsa or D9 chart, marriage can occur in the Chara Dasha of the 7thsign from the Darakaraka planet.
Read: Rules for Accurate marriage Time prediction
Atmakaraka planet in Navamsa
In Jaimini astrology, there are seven karakas that represent seven different things in our life. The karakas are measured by degrees and based on their degrees each of them has a certain role in the horoscope.
The planets with the highest to lowest degree are given a particular karaka name. The planet having the highest degree (0-30) becomes the Atmakaraka. The planets Rahu, Ketu, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto can never be a part of it.
Read: Rules to use Atmakaraka planet in your Horoscope
After figuring out the Atmakaraka, we should observe the placement of the sign of that planet in the Navamsa chart. The placement of Atmakaraka in Navamsa is known as Karakamsa. This placement indicates your spiritual and professional life. Here, you can see the desires of the soul or “Atma’ through the Karakamsa.
When examining the placement of Atmakaraka in Navamsa, you should notice the planet sitting in 12th from the Atmakaraka, if there is any, it indicates the matters related to the soul. Malefic planets like Mars, Rahu or Saturn in the 12th from the Atmakaraka will show the lessons still to learn before the elevation.
A benefic in 12th from the Atmakaraka shows the movement of the soul to the higher world after the physical death. Ketu in 12th from the Atmakaraka determines the gain of ‘Moksha’. If multiple planets occupy the 12th house from Atmakaraka, then the planet with the highest degree in the natal chart will take the lead.
But one may not have any planet in 12th from Atmakaraka quite often. Then we can use the lord of the sitting sign with the sign itself. A malefic lord can give you trouble to reach the ‘Moksha’ whereas a benefic will make that quite easy.
Placement of the 9th house from the Karakamsa shows your achievement in spiritual studies. It will show the luck and smoothness of your soul to achieve the above. If there is malefic in 9th from the Atmakaraka, then you may have to struggle to make the spiritual world out. But, a benefic planet will make the way to realize that one easily with its blessing.
Spiritual progress from Navansa chart
Navamsa is also referred to check the devotion of a person towards his/her religion. We must differentiate between religion and spiritualism. Religion is the path imposed by the society and the family you are born in.
Spiritualism is not bound by them and is the inner urge of a person. Here we are discussing religion and not spiritualism. Every person is religious at least to some extent.
Trines of Navamsa chart
Trines of a horoscope are the dharma trines. Simply we must therefore check the trines of Navamsa for the involvement of a person in religion. The lords of a house carry out the wish of the house.
The trine lords of Navamsa must be related with each other and with the trine houses of Navamsa to make a person religious. Ninth house is the most important house for religion.
The trines of the birth chart are also dharma houses. Thus the lords of trines of birth chart are also to be related in Navamsa.
Another version says that the lord of the ninth house of birth horoscope should be related to trines of Navamsa. This rule must be seen for devotion to religion. Secondly the ninth lord of Navamsa should also relate to the trines of Navamsa.
Any malefic influence (except trine lords) is not welcome. They will not allow the person to follow religion faithfully. The three houses of dharma trine are first, fifth and ninth. We check their significations.
First house
First house must be strong. It should be related to trine lords or natural benefics. The lord of lagan need not be strong
Fifth house
This is the house of intuition and poorva punya. A relationship with a Lagna or Lagna lord with a fifth house is a gift of God. The relation with the ninth promotes intuition towards religion. Ninth house
It is the main house of religion. Its lord is the indicator of direction where the devotion will be carried out by the person.
Mental strength
Moon is the significator of mind. For devotion to any karma we need determination. Devotion needs concentrated effort for a long duration. Moon must have the capacity to sustain adversity. The malefic influence on the Moon is required. This is seen in Navamsa.
Mars and Saturn are two malefic planets. Signs ruled by them are also considered malefic. Moon should occupy the sign of Mars and be with Saturn or aspected by Saturn. Moon should occupy the sign of Saturn and be with Mars or aspected by Mars. This combination is classical sanyas yoga.
Benefic association makes the Moon soft and the person lacks endurance. Placement of the Moon in a sign of benefic planet and aspect of a benefic is not welcome for continued devotion. Benefic relation with Moon give a calm mind. Even Rahu, being malefic, its association with the Moon is not good. Rahu distracts towards material things.
Overcoming lust
Venus is the planet of lust and luxury. The condition of Venus is checked in Navamsa. Venus must be under check to overcome the lust and luxury. Therefore Venus should be under double malefic influence. Venus can be exalted but debilitation of Venus gives base thoughts.
Ninth lord from Moon
Ninth lord from Moon in Navamsa is now seen in Navamsa. This lord must influence trines from the Moon in the Navamsa. When the Moon is debilitated in Navamsa then the ninth lord from Moon is Moon itself. Such persons have inbuilt devotion to religion. The benefic or malefic association will further mould the devotion. This is an important condition.
Jupiter in Navamsa
In the Navamsa chart Jupiter must influence the Lagna or Lagna lord of Navamsa. This will make a person very Knowledgable, Honest, and Fortunate. An afflicted Jupiter is of no use. Jupiter influence on tenth house of Navamsa is equally beneficial for Overall Fortune and Financial Prosperity.
Venus in Navamsa chart
Venus is the Natural Significator of Marriage and Navamsa is the most important divisional chart for Marriage. So venus has special importance in Navamsa. If venus is Afflicted by Rahu and Ketu in D9 chart, it is not good for Marriage. Debilitated Venus in Navamsa is also not good for Relationship. But A well placed Venus is good for Relationship.
Venus also give wealth and prosperity after Marriage. It also indicates a very Good Looking and charming Spouse. Planets in the Navamsa of Venus i.e. Libra and Taurus Navamsa indicates which we enjoyed in previous Life and also enjoys in this life.
In this way we can use the D9 chart to read our horoscope for Different Areas of our Life.