Will I become Doctor ? Astrological Combinations for Doctor and Medical Profession

astrological combination for Doctor

Astrological Combinations for Doctor

Medicine is one of the most respected and rewarding professions. Becoming a doctor requires Good Education, Intelligence, good sense of responsibility and compassion. Certain astrological combinations in a birth chart can indicate a natural inclination and ability towards healing and medical professions.

As a Vedic astrologer our job is to check and understand these combinations and Suggest if a person can become Successful as a Doctor or not. Here we will discuss various astrological Yogas for becoming doctor.

WIll I become a Doctor ? Good influence of Sun, Venus and Moon are required for becoming a Doctor. If the below mentioned astrological yogas are present strongly in your chart and if Sun , Venus and Moon are strong in your Horoscope, you can become a Doctor. 

Which Planets are important for Doctor

  • Saturn is known as the Natural Significator of Karma or Profession. In any chart we have to see the placement of Saturn to understand about Career or Profession.
  • Sun is the Source of Light and it is the Life giver. Sun also controls the 5th house of Natural zodiac which shows the ability to heal. So Sun has significant importance for Professions related to healing and Medical field.
  • Jupiter is the Planet of Knowledge and Wisdom. To become Doctor a person Should be well qualified and must be a good Student. So the support of a Strong Jupiter is required to Learn Knowledge of Medical Study.
  • Venus or Shukra is the planet which owns the secret of “Sanjeevani Vidya or bringing death to alive”. This is the Significator for Medical and all Medicine related professions. So Venus is also an important planet for becoming a Doctor.

Which House are important for Profession of Doctor

10th House of any chart is the main chart for Career and Profession. So 10th Lord and Planets placed in 10th house will play an important role in determining your Career.

6th house is the house of Job. But it is also house of Service, Disease etc. So A doctor Should have a strong 6th house. Relation between 6th house and 10th house is good for a profession related to Medical field.

5th house is the House of intelligence and ability to cure. Strong 5th house and 5th Lord will give you intelligence and Success in Education. Without becoming a good student, No one can become a doctor. So Strong 5th house is required for becoming a Doctor.

9th house is the house of Fortune. A Strong 9th house and 9th Lord will help in Higher Studies.

Astrological combinations for becoming a Doctor

  • Conjunction of 6th Lord and 10th Lord in 6th house or 10th house or 8th house or 12th house is a Good Yoga for a career in Medical Field.
  • Venus and Moon in 10th house is good for becoming a Doctor. Sun in 10th house is also Good for a career in Medical field. Venus- Sun conjunction or Venus- Moon conjunction in 10th house is also good for becoming a Doctor.
  • Sun and Saturn conjunction in 10th house of D1 chart and D10 chart is Good yoga for becoming Doctor.
  • Read: D10 chart Analysis
  • The 10th Lord of D1 chart in the Scorpio or Taurus Navamsa is Good for a Career in Medical Field.
  • Read: How to read Navamsa chart
  • If the 10th Lord is in the Ashwini Nakshatra is good for Medical field. Ashwini Kumar is the Deity of Ashwini Nakshatra and Ashwini Kumar is God of Medicine. So if 10th Lord is in this Nakshatra, it is good for becoming Doctor.
  • Moon in the 10th house of D10 chart or D9 chart is a Good Yoga for Doctor.
  • Venus in the 10th house of D9 or D10 chart in the Sign of Cancer or Taurus or Scorpio is also good for Medical Professions Like Doctor or Nurse etc.
  • Scorpio and Taurus Sign will be very prominent in the horoscope of Doctors. So either Multiple planets will occupy these Signs or 10th Lord will be in these Signs in D1 and D9 or D10 chart.
  • Saturn-Moon combination is helpful for a Doctor as it will give stability of Mind.

Planetary Combinations for Doctor of Medicine

For becoming a Doctor of Medicine, the influence of 5th house will be more prominent. The influence of venus and Jupiter will also be Significantly High. So the presence of Jupiter-venus conjunction in the 10th house of D10 chart or D9 chart along with Strong 5th Lord in 10th house or 10th Lord in 5th house with 5th Lord is very Good for becoming a General Physician or Doctor of Medicine.

Planetary combination for becoming a Surgeon

Mars will be very strong in the charts of Surgeon. So when Mars is conjunct with Saturn in the 10th house of D1 or D9 or D10 chart, considering other favorable combination for Medical profession, you can become a Good Surgeon. Mars-Ketu combination is also good for becoming a Surgeon. So if Mars- Ketu in the 10th house of D10 chart or D9 chart can make you a Surgeon.

8th House is very important for Surgeon. So if the 8th house has multiple Planets or 8th Lord is in 10th house with 10th Lord and when Mars is also Strong, you can become a Surgeon.

Now Lets Discuss a Horoscope to explain these Principles.

Dr Bidhan chandra Roy

Bidhan Chandra Roy

This is the chart of Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was a World Famous Doctor and his birthday is celebrated as Doctor’s Day in india. If we Look at his chart, He is Born with Libra Lagna and the Lagna Lord venus is in 10th house. Venus in 10th house Cancer is good for a Doctor. The 8th house has multiple Planets Like Saturn-Ketu-Jupiter. The 5th Lord Saturn in 8th house with 6th Lord Jupiter in the Taurus Sign is Good. As we discussed above-cancer, Taurus etc are important signs for a Doctor and in this chart all these important combinations are present in these Signs.

In his D9 chart Moon is in 10th house and venus is in Navamsa Lagna. This shows his natural ability and talent to Heal and treat people. In his D10 chart, 6th Lord Mercury is in 10th house and Moon is in 6th house. This is another Fantastic yoga for a Doctor. So his D1, D9, D10 – all the charts has clear indication and strong yoga for becoming a Successful Doctor.

In this way we have to analyze every chart to understand if the person can become a Doctor or not. Not only that, planets and yogas will can also help us in choosing the correct field of Medical profession Like Surgeon or Gynochologist or dentist etc.


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